Friday, March 27, 2009

Eggs In The Nude

Hmm. A naked egg...apparently it is completely possible to de-shell a raw egg and have it maintain its egg shape. All it takes is 48 hours, a bowl, a refrigerator, a coffee cup, some corn syrup and some vinegar. It’s also possible to start a fire with a block of ice, make moth balls (the closet kind not the moth kind) dance and construct a giant air cannon from some flour and a cardboard box. And this has what to do with your college bookstore?

Oh yeah - we’re having a children’s book sale. These are all experiments from, The Book of Totally Irresponsible Science, which is now 40% off. Not that you’d see this book on the sale table – it made its way into the hands of our dangerously interested staff several days ago and has yet to make its return to the children’s section. We carry tons of science books, but this one contains information that’s valuable and relevant to our lives – like how to grow a Frankenstein hand, turn milk to stone and make a potato gun. It also has the scientific explanation after every experiment - so we are actually learning stuff in addition to standing around giggling and saying “Nice!”.

You can find The Book of Totally Irresponsible Science , as well as lots of other age inappropriate books to enjoy, at 40% off from now until Friday April 3, 2009, at the AU Bookstore. Heck, you could even buy some books for an actual child, if you know one. You might have to ask for the science book though, or just follow the snickering to the basement where you’ll find us dropping Mentos into 2 liters of Coke.

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